Sunday, May 17, 2015


Wow... I mean, what is there to say really?

I have been on what you could call a "blogging-hiatus". A 4 year blogging-hiatus. The concept of blogging seems so foreign to me now, and yet I still get the same feeling even as I am typing these words. Like, although my audience may be limited, I feel like I'm making a difference (in my life, at least!).

So, I've grown up. Looking back on fifteenth avenue (a "place" close to my heart), the torment and tribulations of my teen angst has made me who I am today- and I regret none of it. I remember when I created this blog; looking for a name which summed me up to a tee. 

I don't even know if it's a real word, but it feels like one. It means some kind of words- not necessarily the right words. And I like that... because I will never have the "right" words and I don't mind that. 

I've learned a lot. I've learned who I am as a person- that I am a lot stronger than I thought. I have discovered that there will always be people who try to bring you down and that true friends are genuinely happy for my successes. 

I have learned a new form of self-respect and I have proactively made the choice to say NO to the people I don't want in my life. I have learned to forgive but never forget. 

You know, because I'm perfect (ha ha. NOT)

But, I'm learning. And I am pleased with my progress.

Here's to another step in the right direction

Formerly, Fifteenth avenue


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